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张仲石,博士,研究员,博士生导师。主要研究方向是气候模式开发、过去两千年气候模拟、新生代气候演变和动力学模拟。现任中国地质大学(武汉)教授,主持或参加多项国内外研究项目,已在国内外学术刊物上发表研究论文39篇,其中包括两篇第一作者文章发表在《Nature》和《Nature Communications》上。2015年荣获刘东生青年地球科学家奖。



2008 - 2015,研究员,挪威联合研究中心和Bjerknes气候研究中心;

2007 - 2008,副研究员,中国科学院大气物理研究所;

2005 - 2007,博士后,中国科学院大气物理研究所;


2000 - 2005,地质学,博士,中国科学院中国科学院大气物理研究所;

1996 - 2000,地理学,本科 ,北京师范大学。


1.Yan, Q., Korty, R., Zhang, Z.-S., 2016. Tropical cyclone genesis factors in a simulation of the last two millennia: Results from community earth system model. Journal of Climate, 28(18), 7182-7202.

2.Zhang, Ran; Jiang, Dabang; Zhang, Zhongshi; Yu, Entao. The impact of regional uplift of the tibetan plateau on the asian monsoon climate. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,  2015, 417, 137-150.

3.Zhang, Ran; Jiang, Dabang; Zhang, Zhongshi. Causes of mid-Pliocene strengthened summer and weakened winter monsoons over East Asia. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2015, 32 (7), 1016-1026.

4.Li, Xiangyu; Jiang, Dabang; Zhang, Zhongshi; Zhang, Ran; Tian, Zhiping; Yan, QingMid-Pliocene westerlies from PlioMIP simulations. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,  2015, 32 (7), 909-923.

5.Yan, Qing; Zhang, Zhongshi; Wang, Huijun; Jiang, DabangSimulated warm periods of climate over China during the last two millennia: The Sui-Tang warm period versus the Song-Yuan warm period. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2015, 120 (6), 2229-2241.

6.Dolan, Aisling M.; Hunter, Stephen J.; Hill, Daniel J.; Haywood, Alan M.; Koenig, Sebastian J.; Otto-Bliesner, Bette L.; Abe-Ouchi, Ayako; Bragg, Fran J.; Chan, Wing-Le; Chandler, Mark A.; Contoux, Camille; Jost, Anne; Kamae, Youichi; Lohmann, Gerrit; Lunt, Daniel J.; Ramstein, Gilles; Rosenbloom, Nan A.; Sohl, Linda E.; Stepanek, Christian; Ueda, Hiroaki; Yan, Qing; Zhang, ZhongshiUsing results from the PlioMIP ensemble to investigate the Greenland Ice Sheet during the mid-Pliocene Warm Period. Climate of the Past, 2015, 11 (3), 403-424.

7.Jiang, D.-B., Yu, G., Zhao, P., Chen, X., Liu, J., Liu, X.D., Wang, S.W., Zhang, Z.-S., Yu, Y.Q., Li, Y.F., Jin, L.Y., Xu, Y., Ju, L.X., Zhou, T.J., Yan, X.D., Paleoclimate Modeling in China: A Review. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 32(2): 250-275 (2015).

8.Zhang, Z.-S., Ramstein, G., Schuster, M., Li, C., Contoux, C., Yan, Q. Aridification of the Sahara desert caused by Tethys Sea shrinkage during Late Miocene. Nature, 513, 401-404, doi:10.1038/nature13705, (2014).

9.Hill, D. J., Haywood, A. M., Lunt, D. J., Hunter, S. J., Bragg, F. J., Contoux, C., Stepanek, C., Sohl, L., Rosenbloom, N. A., Chan, W.-L., Kamae, Y., Zhang, Z.-S., Abe-Ouchi, A., Chandler, M. A., Jost, A., Lohmann, G., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Ramstein, G. & Ueda, H. Evaluating the dominant components of warming in Pliocene climate simulations.Clim. Past 10, 79–90, doi:10.5194/cp-10-79-2014 (2014).

10.Yan, Q., Wang, H.-J., Johannessen, O. M. & Zhang, Z.-S. Greenland ice sheet contribution to future global sea level rise based on CMIP5 models. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 31(1), 8–16, doi: 10.1007/s00376-013-3002-6 (2014).

11.Yan, Q., Zhang, Z.-S., Wang, H.-J. & Zhang, R. Simulation of Greenland ice sheet during the mid-Pliocene warm period. Chinese Science Bulletin 59, 201–211 (2014).

12.Gao, Y.Q., Sun, J.Q., Li, F., He, S.P., Sandven, S., Yan, Q., Zhang, Z.-S., Lohmann, K., Keenlyside, N., Furevik, T., Suo, L.L., Arctic sea ice and Eurasian climate: A review. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 32 (1), 92-114 (2014).

13.Dowsett, H.J., Foley, K.M., Stoll, D.K., Chandler, M.A., Sohl, L.E., Bentsen, M., Otto-Bliesner, B.L., Bragg, F.J., Chan, W.-L., Contoux, C., Dolan, A.M., Haywood, A.M., Jonas, J.A., Jost, A., Kamae, Y., Lohmann, G., Lunt, D.J., Nisancioglu, K.H., Abe-Ouchi, A., Ramstein, G., Riesselman, C.R., Robinson, M.M., Rosenbloom, N.A., Salzmann, U., Stepanek, C., Strother, S.L., Ueda, H., Yan, Q. & Zhang, Z.-S. Sea surface temperature of the mid-piacenzian ocean: a data-model comparison. Scientific Reports 3, 2013, doi:10.1038/srep02013, (2013).

14.Ge, J., Dai, Y., Zhang, Z.-S., Zhao, D., Li, Q., Zhang, Y., Yi, L., Wu, H., Oldfield, F., & Guo, Z.-T.  Major changes in East Asian climate in the mid-Pliocene: triggered by the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau or global cooling?.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 69, 48–59 (2013).

15.Haywood, A. M., Hill, D. J., Dolan, A. M., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Bragg, F., Chan, W.-L., Chandler, M. A., Contoux, C., Dowsett, H. J., Jost, A., Kamae, Y., Lohmann, G., Lunt, D. J., Abe-Ouchi, A., Pickering, S. J., Ramstein, G., Rosenbloom, N. A., Salzmann, U., Sohl, L., Stepanek, C., Ueda, H., Yan, Q., & Zhang, Z.-S. Large-scale features of Pliocene climate: results from the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project. Clim. Past 9, 191-209, doi:10.5194/cp-9-191-2013 (2013).

16.Lunt, D.J., Abe-Ouchi, A., Bakker, P., Berger, A., Braconnot, P., Charbit, S., Fischer, N.,Herold, N., Jungclaus, J.H., Khon, V.C., Krebs-Kanzow, U., Langebroek, P., Lohmann, G., Nisancioglu, K.H., Otto-Bliesner, B.L., Park, W., Pfeiffer, M., Phipps, S.J., Prange, M., Rachmayani, R., Renssen, H., Rosenbloom, N., Schneider, B., Stone, E.J., Takahashi, K.,Wei, W., Yin, Q.-Z. & Zhang, Z.-S. A multi-model assessment of last interglacial temperatures. Climate of the Past 9, 699-717 (2013).  
17.Salzmann, U., Dolan, A.M., Haywood, A.M., Chan, W.-L., Voss, J., Hill, D.J., Abe-Ouchi, A., Otto-Bliesner, B., Bragg, F.J., Chandler, M.A., Contoux, C., Dowsett, H.J., Jost, A., Kamae, Y., Lohmann, G., Lunt, D. J., Pickering, S.J., Pound, M.J., Ramstein, G., Rosenbloom, N.A., Sohl, L., Stepanek, C., Ueda, H. & Zhang, Z.-S. Challenges in quantifying Pliocene terrestrial warming revealed by data-model discord. Nat. Clim. Change 3, 969974 (2013).
18.Yan, Q., Zhang, Z.-S., Gao, Y., Wang, H.-J. & Johannessen, O.M. Sensitivity of the modeled present-day Greenland Ice Sheet to climatic forcing and spin-up methods and its influence on future sea level projections. J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf. 118, doi:10.1002/jgrf.20156 (2013).

19.Zhang, Z.-S., Nisancioglu, K. & Ninnemann, U. Increased ventilation of Antarctic deep water during the warm mid-Pliocene. Nature Communications 4:1499 doi: 10.1038/ncomms2521 (2013).

20.Zhang, Z.-S., Nisancioglu, K.H., Chandler, M.A., Haywood, A.M., Otto-Bliesner, B.L., Ramstein, G., Stepanek, C., Abe-Ouchi, A., Chan, W.-L., Bragg, F.J., Contoux, C., Dolan, A.M., Hill, D.J., Jost, A., Kamae, Y., Lohmann, G., Lunt, D.J., Rosenbloom, N.A., Sohl, L.E. & Ueda, H. Mid-pliocene Atlantic meridional overturning circulation not unlike modern. Clim. Past 9, 1495–1504 (2013).

21.Zhang, R., Yan, Q., Zhang, Z.-S., Jiang, D., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Haywood, A. M., Hill, D. J., Dolan, A. M., Stepanek, C., Lohmann, G., Contoux, C., Bragg, F., Chan, W.-L., Chandler, M. A., Jost, A., Kamae, Y., Abe-Ouchi, A., Ramstein, G., Rosenbloom, N. A., Sohl, L. & Ueda, H. Mid-Pliocene East Asian monsoon climate simulated in the PlioMIP.Clim. Past 9, 2085-2099, doi:10.5194/cp-9-2085-2013 (2013).

22.Zheng, W., Zhang, Z.-S., Chen, L. & Yu, Y. The mid-Pliocene climate simulated by FGOALS-g2. Geosci. Model Dev.6, 1127–1135, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-1127-2013 (2013).

23.Lefebvre, V., Donnadieu, Y., Sepulchre, P., Swingedouw, D. & Zhang, Z.-S. Deciphering the role of southern gateways and carbon dioxide on the onset of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Paleoceanography 27, PA4201, doi:10.1029/2012PA002345 (2012).

24.Yan, Q., Zhang, Z.-S., Gao, Y.-Q. An East Asian Monsoon in the Mid-Pliocene. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett. 5, 449-454 (2012).

25.Yan, Q., Zhang, Z.-S., Wang, H.-J., Gao, Y.-Q., Zheng, W.-P. Set-up and preliminary results of mid-Pliocene climate simulations with CAM3.1. Geoscientific Model Development 5, 289-297 (2012).

26. Zhang, Z.S. & Yan, Q. Pre-industrial and mid-Pliocene simulations with NorESM-L: AGCM simulations. Geoscientific Model Development 5, 1033–1043 (2012).

27. Zhang, Z.-S., Flatøy, F., Wang, H.-J., Bethke, I., Bentsen, M., Guo, Z.-T. Early Eocene Asian climate dominated by desert and steppe with limited monsoons. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 44, 24–35 (2012).

28.Zhang, Z.-S., Nisancioglu, K.H., Bentsen, M., Tjiputra, J., Bethke, I., Yan, Q., Risebrobakken, B., Andersson, C., Jansen, E. Pre-industrial and mid-Pliocene simulations with NorESM-L. Geoscientific Model Development 5, 523–533 (2012).

29.Zhang, Z.-S., Yan, Q., Su, J.-Z, Gao, Y.-Q. Has the Problem of a Permanent El Niño been Resolved for the Mid-Pliocene?. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett. 5, 445-448, (2012).

30.肖国桥,张仲石,姚政权. 始新世—渐新世气候转变研究进展,地质论评, 01, 91-105, 2012.

31.Yan, Q., Zhang, Z.-S., Wang, H.-J., Jiang, D.-B. & Zheng, W.-P. Simulation of sea surface temperature changes in the Middle Pliocene warm period and comparison with reconstructions. Chinese Science Bulletin 56, 890-899 (2011).

32.Zhang, Z.-S., Nisancioglu, K. H., Flatøy, F., Bentsen, M., Bethke, I. & Wang, H.-J. Tropical seaways played a more important role than high latitude seaways in Cenozoic cooling. Clim. Past 7, 801-813, doi:10.5194/cp-7-801-2011 (2011).

33.Zhang, Z.-S., Yan, Q., Wang, H.-J. Has the Drake Passage Played an Essential Role in the Cenozoic Cooling ?.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 3, 288-292 (2010).

34.张仲石,王会军,郭正堂.温盐环流反转及其对新生代气候的影响.第四纪研究29, 1064-1070 (2009).

35.Guo, Z. T., Sun, B., Zhang, Z.-S., Peng, S. Z., Xiao, G. Q., Ge, J. Y., Hao, Q. Z., Qiao, Y. S., Liang, M. Y., Liu, J. F., Yin, Q. Z. & Wei, J. J. A major reorganization of Asian climate by the early Miocene. Clim. Past 4, 153-174, doi:10.5194/cp-4-153-2008 (2008).

36.Zhang, Z.-S., Wang, H.-J., Guo, Z.-T. & Jiang, D.B. Impacts of tectonic changes on the reorganization of the Cenozoic paleoclimatic patterns in China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 257, 622–634 (2007)

37.Zhang, Z.-S., Wang, H.-J., Guo, Z.-T., Jiang, D.B. What triggers the transition of palaeoenvironmental patterns in China, the Tibetan Plateau uplift or the Paratethys Sea retreat?. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology245, 317-331 (2007).

38.Zhang, Z.-S., Wang, H.-J., Guo, Z.-T. & Jiang, D.B. Impact of Topography and Land-Sea Distribution on East Asian Paleoenvironmental Patterns. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 23, 258-266 (2006)


1.张仲石,郭正堂. 根据地质记录恢复渐新世和中新世不同时期环境空间特征及其意义. 第四纪研究. 25: 523-530 (2005)


2.乔彦松,郭正堂,郝青振,吴文祥,姜文英,袁宝印,张仲石,魏建晶,赵华. 皖南风尘堆积-土壤序列的磁性地层学研究及其古环境意义. 科学通报, 2003, 48(13), 1465-1469

3.乔彦松,郭正堂,郝青振,吴文祥,张仲石,赵华,朱日祥. 安徽宣城黄土堆积的磁性地层学与古环境意义. 地质力学学报, 2002, 8(4), 369-375
