曾宪春 男 博士、教授、博士生导师、生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室研究员、国际杂志(Frontiers in Bioscience)(IF:3.5)编委(Managing Editor)、国家科技奖励评选办公室评审专家、湖北省生物物理学会常务理事、民建武汉市委委员。在武汉大学先后获得生物化学专业学士、分子生物学专业硕士、微生物学专业博士学位。2001-2008年先后赴德国马普免疫学研究所、美国国家卫生研究院和美国马里兰大学医学院从事研究工作;2009年在美国科贝尔国际公司任部门负责人。主要从事分子生物学、地质微生物学和环境基因组学领域的研究工作。近年来发表SCI期刊论文52篇, 其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表41篇(第一作者22篇, 通讯作者19篇), 论文被引用近1100余次。2005年获湖北省自然科学一等奖, 2008年获国际基因组先驱者奖(Genomic Pioneer Awards)提名奖。
E-mail:[email protected]
Tel: 86-27-67883481
通讯地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区鲁磨路388号 中国地质大学(武汉)cq9试玩
生物科学与技术系, 邮编430074
·2010年至今 中国地质大学(武汉)生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室,博士生导师;
·2008年—2009年 美国Colbell International Inc., 部门负责人(Chief Scientist);
·2005年—2008年 美国University of Maryland School of Medicine, 研究员(Research Fellow);
·2002年—2005年 美国National Institutes of Health, 研究科学家(Research Scientist);
·2001年—2002年 德国Max-Planck Institute for Immunobiology, 高级访问学者(Advanced Visiting Scientist);
·1990年—2001年 先后在武汉大学生物毒素中心、生命科学学院任助教、讲师、副教授。
A 蝎毒素活性多肽的基础和应用研究(No.CUGL110604)
B 蝎毒素转录组学和蛋白组学的研究(No.CUGL120608)
近五年发表的国际论文 (*代表通讯作者)
(1) Jianing Wang, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Xianbin Zhu, Xiaoming Chen, Xin Zeng, Yao Mu, Ye Yang Yanxin Wang. Sulfate enhances the dissimilatory arsenate-respiring prokaryotes-mediated mobilization, reduction and release of insoluble arsenic and iron from the arsenic-rich sediments into groundwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 339: 409-417. (IF:6.1)
(2) Ye Yang, Yao Mu, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Weiwei Wu, Jie Yuan, Yichen Liu, E Guoji, Feng Luo, Xiaoming Chen, Hao Li, Jianing Wang, Functional genes and thermophilic microorganisms responsible for arsenite oxidation from the shallow sediment of an untraversed hot spring outlet, Ecotoxicology, 2017, 26(4): 490-501. (IF:2.3)
(3) Linghua Xu, Wanxia Shi, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Ye Yang, Lingli Zhou, Yao Mu, Yichen Liu, Draft genome sequence of arthrobacter sp. strain b6 isolated from the high-arsenic sediments in datong basin, china. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 2017, 12(1): 11. (IF:1.6)
(4) Jie Zhong, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Xin Zeng, Yao Nie, Lei Zhang, Shifen Wu, Aorigele Bao, Transcriptomic analysis of the venom glands from the scorpion Hadogenes troglodytes revealed unique and extremely high diversity of the venom peptides, Journal of Proteomics, 2017, 150: 40-62. (IF:3.9)
(5) Hao Li, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Zhong He, Xiaoming Chen, Guoji E, Yiyang Han, Yanxin Wang, Long-term performance of rapid oxidation of arsenite in simulated groundwater using a population of arsenite-oxidizing microorganisms in a bioreactor, Water Research, 2016, 101: 393-401. (IF:6.9)
(6) Xian-Chun Zeng*, Guoji E, Jianing Wang, Nian Wang, Xiaoming Chen, Yao Mu, Hao Li, Ye Yang, Yichen Liu, Yanxin Wang, Functions and unique diversity of genes and microorganisms involved in arsenite oxidation from the tailings of a realgar mine. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2016, 82(24): 7019-7029. (IF:3.9)
(7) Xiaoming Chen, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Jianing Wang, Yamin Deng, Teng Ma*, E. Guoji, Yao Mu, Ye Yang, Hao Li, Yanxin Wang, Microbial communities involved in arsenic mobilization and release from the deep sediments into groundwater in Jianghan plain, Central China, Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 579: 989-999. (IF:4.0)
(8) Yao Mu, Lingli Zhou, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Lan Liu, Yunfan Pan, Xiaoming Chen, Jianing Wang, Shanhui Li, Wen-jun Li, Yanxin Wang, Arsenicitalea aurantiaca gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Hyphomicrobiaceae, isolated from high-arsenic sediment, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2016, 66(12): 5478-5484. (IF:2.4)
(9) Yao Mu, Yunfan Pan, Wanxia Shi, Lan Liu, Zhao Jiang, Xuesong Luo, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Wen-Jun Li. Luteimonas arsenica sp. nov., an arsenic-tolerant bacterium isolated from arsenic-contaminated soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2016, 66(6): 2291-2296. (IF:2.4)
(10) Lei Zhang, Wanxia Shi, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Feng Ge, Mingkun Yang, Yao Nie, Aorigele Bao, Shifen Wu, Guoji E, Unique diversity of the venom peptides from the scorpion Androctonus bicolor revealed by transcriptomic and proteomic analysis, Journal of Proteomics, 2015, 128:231-250.(IF:3.9)
(11) Aorigele Bao, Jie Zhong, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Yao Nie, Lei Zhang, Zhao Feng Peng, A novel cysteine-free venom peptide with strong antimicrobial activity against antibiotics-resistant pathogens from the scorpion Opistophthalmus glabrifrons, Journal of Peptide Science, 2015, 21(10):758-764.(IF:2.0)
(12)Xian-Chun Zeng*, Yichen Liu, Wanxia Shi, Lei Zhang, Xuesong Luo, Yao Nie, Ye Yang, Genome-wide search and comparative genomic analysis of the trypsin inhibitor-like cysteine-rich domain-containing peptides, Peptides, 2014, 53:106-114.(IF:2.6)
(13) Xuesong Luo, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Zhancan He, Xiaolu Lu, Jie Yuan, Jingjing Shi, Ming Liu, Yunfan Pan, Yan-Xin Wang, Isolation and characterization of a radiation-resistant bacterium from Taklamakan Desert showing potent ability to accumulate Lead (II) and considerable potential for bioremediation of radioactive wastes, Ecotoxicology, 2014, 23(10):1915-1921.(IF:2.7)
(14) Lian Ao, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Yao Nie, Yao Mu, Lingli Zhou, Xuesong Luo, Flavobacterium arsenatis sp nov., a novel arsenic-resistant bacterium from high-arsenic sediment, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2014, 64:3369-3374.(IF:2.8)
(15) Ye Yang, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Lei Zhang, Yao Nie, Wanxia Shi, Yichen Liu, Androcin, a Novel Type of Cysteine- Rich Venom Peptide from Androctonus bicolor, Induces Akinesia and Anxiety- like Symptoms in Mice, IUBMB Life, 2014, 66(4):277-285.(IF:3.5)
(16) Linghua Xu, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Yao Nie, Xuesong Luo, Enmin Zhou, Lingli Zhou, Yunfan Pan, Wenjun Li, Pontibacter diazotrophicus sp nov., a Novel Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium of the Family Cytophagaceae, PLos One, 2014, 9(3): e92294.(IF:3.5)
(17) Shifen Wu, Yao Nie, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Hanjun Cao, Lei Zhang, Lingli Zhou, Ye Yang, Xuesong Luo, Yichen Liu, Genomic and functional characterization of three new venom peptides from the scorpion Heterometrus spinifer, Peptides, 2014, 53:30-41.(IF:2.6)
(18) Hanjun Cao, Yao Nie, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Linghua Xu, Zancan He, Xuesong Luo, Rina Wu, Pontibacter yuliensis sp nov., isolated from soil, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2014, 64:968-972.(IF:2.8)
(19) Xian-Chun Zeng*, Lingli Zhou, Wanxia Shi, Xuesong Luo, Lei Zhang, Yao Nie, Jinwei Wang, Shifen Wu, Bin Cao, Hanjun Cao, Three new antimicrobial peptides from the scorpion Pandinus imperator, Peptides, 2013, 45:28-34.(IF:2.6)
(20) Xian-Chun Zeng*, Xuesong Luo, San-Xia Wang, Xi Zhan, Fibronectin-mediated cell spreading requires ABBA-Rac1 signaling, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 2013, 114(4):773-781.(IF:3.4)
(21) Xian-Chun Zeng*, Yao Nie, Xuesong Luo, Shifen Wu, Wanxia Shi, Lei Zhang, Yichen Liu, Hanjun Cao, Ye Yang, Jianping Zhou, Molecular and bioinformatical characterization of a novel superfamily of cysteine-rich peptides from arthropods, Peptides, 2013, 41:45-58.(IF:2.6)
(22)Xian-Chun Zeng*, Lei Zhang, Yao Nie, Xuesong Luo, Identification and molecular characterization of three new K+-channel specific toxins from the Chinese scorpion Mesobuthus martensii Karsch revealing intronic number polymorphism and alternative splicing in duplicated genes, Peptides, 2012, 34(2):311-323.(IF:2.6)
(23) Xian-Chun Zeng*, Sanxia Wang, Yao Nie, Lei Zhang, Xuesong Luo, Characterization of BmKbpp, a multifunctional peptide from the Chinese scorpion Mesobuthus martensii Karsch: Gaining insight into a new mechanism for the functional diversification of scorpion venom peptides, Peptides, 2012, 33(1):44-51.(IF:2.6)
(24) Xuesong Luo, Jun Wang, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Yaqiong Wang, Lingli Zhou, Yao Nie, Jun Dai, Chengxiang Fang, Mycetocola manganoxydans sp nov., an actinobacterium isolated from the Taklamakan desert, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2012, 62:2967-2970.(IF:2.8)
(25) Yao Nie, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Ye Yang, Feng Luo, Xuesong Luo, Shifen Wu, Lei Zhang, Jianping Zhou, A novel class of antimicrobial peptides from the scorpion Heterometrus spinifer, Peptides, 2012, 38(2):389-394.(IF:2.6)
(26) Yao Nie, Xian-Chun Zeng*, Xuesong Luo, Shifen Wu, Lei Zhang, Hanjun Cao, Jianping Zhou, Lingli Zhou, Tremendous intron length differences of the BmKBT and a novel BmKBT-like peptide genes provide a mechanical basis for the rapid or constitutive expression of the peptides, Peptides, 2012, 37(1):150-156.(IF:2.6)