(通讯员:蔡纯 摄影:杨涛 编辑:张学海)2018年11月18日在八角楼,美国辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati)环境科学与工程系Dion教授做客名家论坛,并以“Treatment of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Water Using Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Advanced Oxidation Processes”为题作学术报告。校长王焰新,cq9试玩


Dr.Dionysios (Dion) D. Dionysiouis currently a Professor of Environmental Engineering and Science Program at the University of Cincinnati. He is member of the European Academy of Sciences, fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS), fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and recipient of several awards including the RSC Sustainable Water Award (2018), the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award, the 2017ARCADIS/AEESP. He has received funding from NSF, EPA, NASA, NOAA/CICEET, USGS, USDA, Ohio Sea Grant, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine/USAID, Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, and DuPont. He performs research in the areas of drinking water quality and treatment, advanced oxidation technologies and nanotechnologies, and physical-chemical processes for water quality control. He is currently one of the editors ofChemical Engineering Journal, Editor-in-Chief of theJournal of Environmental Engineering(ASCE), and member of the Editorial Boards more than ten other journals. Dr. Dionysiou is the author or co-author of >370 refereed journal publications, >86 conference proceedings, >32 book chapter publications, >28 editorials, and >600 presentations. He has edited/co-edited 7 books on water quality, water reuse, ferrate/ferrite technologies, and photocatalysis. Dr. Dionysiou’s work received over 26,000 citations with an H factor of 84 (Google Scholar).